Providing adults with mental illness the tools they need to be independent.
Independence Center
Can Help!
Independence Center
Can Help!
It is to enhance the quality of life, promote independent functioning, and facilitate personal growth for adults with a history of mental illness. Independence Center provides ongoing social, educational, vocational, and housing opportunities to achieve this.
As a dedicated advocate for mental illness, the Independence Center is reaching out to you today to request your support in fulfilling our critical needs through our current wish list. Your generosity will make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for considering our request.
We are dedicated to promoting and supporting our community's mental health and substance use treatment needs.
Independence Center started accepting individuals in 1989 after a two-year fundraising and planning effort by Lake County residents seeking assistance for mentally ill family members. It became evident that the resources needed by those with chronic mental illness were not readily available. If these family members and other afflicted community members ever had a chance at living satisfying, healthy, and productive lives, we would support them on their recovery journey. As our name implies, we help individuals gain, maintain, and retain the skills needed to remain independent.
To date, we have served over 4,000 individuals. The most common disorders among them include bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, or other psychotic disorders.
Members come to us from all over Lake County. Their ailments don't care about their skin color, religious affiliation, or household income. Regardless of their differences, they are the same in their struggles to rise above their mental illness.
Follow Independence Center on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn We post tips, tricks, and resources to help enhance your mental health.
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2025 Washington St, Waukegan, IL 60085
Phone: (847) 360-1020
Email: appointments@icwaukegan.org
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